Saturday, February 25, 2012

Observing "Ask the Rabbi a Question"

At ninth grade shabbatons, the typical questions asked are about mashiach, olam haba, tchiyas hamesim, and things of that sort. Things we "earthly" people dont really know much about due to lack of experience. In tenth garde, girls generally ask about matters concerning shomer negiah. As a member of a large elevnth garde, when we were seated on Friday night for the "Ask the Rabbi a session", i decided to bombard the Rabbi with the question that has been bothering me for months. Unfortunately, i am still dissatisfied. I raised my hand for a while, and finally after the Rabbi finished answering questions about our tachlis in life, i got the chance to speak, i asked, "How could the Torah, confine women to the halakha, which can potentially make her an agunah?" I am not asking why there is suffering in the world, i want to know, why the Torah gives (usually) the man the authority to imprison his wife? The answer he gave to my understanding, dealt with the importance of having a strong marriage, and obviously, one can see how badly the secular court marriages work. (I also despise answers that in attempt to explain the rationalism of Judaism, digress, by explaining failures of the "secualrs." But that's besides my point. I was walking around dissatisfied, and heated up, passionately because the Rabbi did not answer the question. My principal also tried answering, by going off talking about the potential issue of mamzerim,. But he also failed to answer the question. Do you have any ideas?

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